Created in 2004, Ocio Vital is a professional, extremely imaginative and intuitive Agency. Creativity & Attention to details are our key differentiating factor

In Ocio vital we understand that the recognition of outstanding performance in companies is very important and is a vital factor in the success of every organization.

Working hand in hand with companies and organizations to create tailor-made events is a great way to reward teams and consolidate motivation.

We customize programs to fit your needs combining leisure activities for team-building, cultural trips and events using well-selected hotels, outstanding restaurants and remarkable venues that reflect and incorporate the local culture.


We believe in quality leisure

We love Bleisure and support leisure activities that cater for people’s needs and interests, activities open for everyone, rewarding and that make people feel alive.
We also believe and thrive for sustainability, responsible with society and respectful of the environment. We are one of the first travel companies to being certified with the Biosphere sustainable tourism certification.

Some of our packages for companies

Hotel Barcelona Golf

Hotel El Moli de la Torre

Hotel Hostal Sport

Mas Salagros Ecoresort

Hotel Món Sant Benet

Vilar Rural

Enthusiastic and professional

Our company is the result of a project launched by people passionate about tourism and food. We have over thirty years’ experience organizing all kinds of events for individuals and companies.

Our solutions are crafted and designed for each customer individually. We offer a complete planning service for stays in Barcelona and across Catalonia. Contact us to find out what we can offer!

Specialists in business services, experts in creative leisure

We have specialized in corporate leisure and events, planning and designing Corporate events, Meetings and conferences and Incentive travel

What we offer:

Meeting Facilities, on ground transportation, Hotel Reservation, Airport pick up services, Venue Finder, Restaurants
Activities & Team buildings
Contact Mice Ocio Vital if you are looking for an expert in corporate events. Countless satisfied customers endorse our work!

Some of the companies we worked for

Contact us now for more information

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